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Struts Notes by Mr.Ramesh from DurgaSoft

>> Wednesday, December 25, 2013

In Current market almost all projects are running with advanced frameworks like Struts 2,Spring,Hibernate and WebServices instead of using Struts 1.2(1.X). But Still most of the companies are using the same technology(Struts 1.2) to maintain the previous projects developed by Struts 1.2 and to provide support for the online banking and some Health Care projects. So learning 1.2 also give you good opportunities in the current market. So go ahead to learn Struts 1.2.
Struts notes by Mr.Ramesh from DurgaSoft_JavabynataraJ
This Struts material was delivered by Mr.N.Ramesh is a Real time expert from Durga Software Solutions. DurgaSoft prepared this softcopy. This PDF file contains 98 pages with the contents given below.

WebLogic Server Administration PDF Guide from DurgaSoft

>> Sunday, December 15, 2013

This material is from Durga Software Solutions.WebLogic is a server software application that runs on a middle tier between database and related applications or browser.WebLogic server is based on Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), the standard platform used to create Java-based multi-tier enterprise applications.
WebLogic Server Administration PDF Guide from DurgaSoft_JavabynataraJ
J2EE platform technologies were developed through the efforts of BEA Systems and other vendors in collaboration with the main developer, Sun Microsystems. Because J2EE applications are standardized modules, WebLogic can automate many system-level tasks that would otherwise have demanded programming time.
The PDF file contains the topics mentioned below.

Web Services Notes by Nataraj sir from Sathya Technologies

>> Saturday, November 30, 2013

Web Services Notes by Nataraj sir from Sathya Technologies.This is a scanned notes in PDF formatt you can easily download or you can print easily. These classes were hapenned on 25th August 2011. This file contains totally 94 pages of classes. Mr.Nataraj explained all the topics in easy way to understand any student. This notes will cover all the topics including  SOA ,XML, DTD, XSD, XSLT, SAX, DOM, JAXP, JAXB, WSDL, SOAP, UDDI and RESTful Web Services.
WebServices Notes by Nataraj sir_JavabynataraJ

topics covered in the notes:

Spring notes by Mr.Nataraz from Sathya Technologies

>> Saturday, November 23, 2013

Spring notes is written by one of the students of Mr.Nataraj sir. These classes were started at 28th Nov 2011 in Sathya Technologies. The guy who wrote this notes he didn't mention his name any where in the notes. But he attended almost all the classes. Now Nataraj sir providing his services with DurgaSoft.

This notes will cover all the topics given below:
Spring Notes by Nataraj Sir_JavabynataraJ

Hibernate Notes by Mr.Nataraj from Sathya Technologies

>> Monday, October 28, 2013

Mr.Nataraj sir explains Hibernate in detail, any body can understand his classes easily even he is beginner in Database. These classes were happened from 15th July 2010 to 25 Sept 2010. This is a scanned copy of Hibernate notes in PDF file.
Hibernate Notes by Nataraj sir from Sathya Technologies
This contains the below topics contains in PDF:

Advaced Java Notes by Mr.Nataraj from Ameerpeta

>> Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Advanced Java notes is written material when Nataraj sir was in Sathya Technologies. One of his students wrote this and scanned 484 pages from Manoj Xerox, Gayatri Nagar,Ameerpeta. This Adv Java material covers all the topics given below with programs.

Insert records into MS-Access database using JDBC

>> Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Insert records into MS-AccessMS-Access is a type of database from Microsoft Office product. This is a file type database to access quickly and easily. In previous tutorial we learnt  How to Connect MS Access Database using JDBC go through this one time to configure your driver and Connection.

For any database the we use the same procedure to insert records into database but DataSourceName(DSN) and driver class names will be unique. If you have multiple databases on your system then you should configure each one with different datasource names with JDBC.

What is Reflection and How it Works in Java

>> Monday, September 23, 2013

Reflection is the process of obtaining runtime information about the class or interface.”
Reflection in Java
Runtime information is nothing but deal with the following:
  1. Finding the name of the class or interface. 
  2.  Finding the data members of the class or interface. 
  3. Finding number of constructors (default constructor and number of parameterized constructors).
  4. Number of instance methods.
  5. Number of static methods. 
  6. Determining modifiers of the class (modifiers of the class can be public, final, public + final,abstract and public + abstract).
  7. Obtaining super class of a derived class. 
  8. Obtaining the interfaces which are implemented by various classes.

Connecting MS Access Database using JDBC Driver

>> Sunday, August 4, 2013

Connecting MSAccess Database using JDBC Driver_JavabynataraJTo connect MS Access database using java we should use JDBC drivers.
We should follow below given steps to connect MS Access database using JDBC.
  • Create MS Access database file
  • Create a table in the database
  • Create a Data Source Name using Microsot Access Driver
  • Write a java program to connect MS Access database
Here we are just connecting to MS Access database to test our connection. Apart from that nothing we are doing. We can use MS Access as a database for minor and small scale projects. Adding and retrieving data is so simple with this and several advantages like Easy to Use,Great Storage Capacity, Flexibility, Data Importing and Exporting, Multi User support and Remote Use.

Creating a review from Atlassian FishEye

>> Saturday, July 20, 2013

FishEye Logo_JavabynataraJFishEye is an Atlassian tool to Search, track and visualize code changes. This provides a read only window into your Subversion, CVS, Git and Mercurial repositories, all in one place. This will keep a pulse on everything about your code. FishEye can can visualize and report on activity,integrate source with JIRA issues, and search for commits,files,revisions, or people. FishEye is one of the best tool form the Atlassian products.

Head First jQuery eBook pdf Download

>> Saturday, July 13, 2013

HeadFirst jQuery_JavabynataraJIf you are starting career as a web developer, then you should come across all these technologies like HTML,java script,CSS and jQuery. Jquery is the great scripting technology to develop web animations and effects on web pages. Be aware on HTML and javascript these are the grand father to jQuery. Head First jQuery book explains to reader from very basic way.

What we can learn from this book?

Head First jQuery is your express ticket to engaging, interactive web-sites that look and feel real applications.

Installing and Setting Classpath for Java

>> Saturday, July 6, 2013

Installing and Setting Classpath for Java_JavabynataraJBy seeing this post title you may get doubt. We already installed java and able to run programs also. Why this again? Actually i got a mail from java beginners like they are getting some problem while installing java and setting classpath on their Systems. So just a walk through regarding java installation and Setting classpath.

Let's start our java Installation:
Download Java latest version from oracle. Here i am going to install java 6.0. After downloading Double click on it. The process will start as shown in the below image.

Oracle JDBC Connection Test

>> Saturday, June 22, 2013

Oracle JDBC Connection Test logoHere we are starting our first JDBC program after installing Oracle 10g XE in our local machine. Connecting Oracle database through java is little bit interesting. We need a medium to connect Oracle throug java for that java has provided four types of drivers in API. JDBC having four types of drivers to connect Databases.Here we are using Type 1 driver (JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver) "sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcOdbcDriver". This is common driver to connect all databases.
Oracle database through java is little bit interesting. We need a medium to connect Oracle throug java for that java has provided four

 In Our program we are using DriverManager class to get the Connection for Oracle database. For this we use getConnection( ) method. This is a Static method.
This driver is dependent on native libraries of the Operating System. Not recommended for all projects like applets and server client projects.

Installing Oracle Database 10g Express Edition

>> Saturday, June 15, 2013

Oracle 10g XE_logoOracle has introduced several features in 10g XE. These are very user friendly and very secure. The main features are: Application Development, Availability, Business Intelligence, Clustering, Content Management, Database Overall, Database Security,Grid Computing, Grid Management, Information Integration, Location Services, Performance and Scalability, Server Manageability, Windows, Workspace Manage.

Let's start installing Oracle 10g XE into our local machines.

Double click on OracleXE exe file to install Oracle

Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration in Windows XP

>> Saturday, June 8, 2013

Oracle ODBC Driver logoTo start doing JDBC programs in your local machines you should configure the following softwares:

1. Install Java 1.5 or higher version
2. Install Oracle XE (recommended)
3. Set up classpaths for Java and Oracle and ojdbc14 jar file

These three are common things need to be installed in your system to learn JDBC. Make sure Java and Oracle is working fine with out any problems. To run JDBC programs we should configure a Driver Connection to Java and Oracle to interact each other. For that we have Drivers like a bridge for these two. The Oracle ODBC Driver provides access to Oracle databases for applications written using the ODBC interface.

Setting up an Oracle ODBC Driver and Data Source

Atlassian - Issue & Project Tracking Software

>> Saturday, May 18, 2013

Atlassian_logoIn Current market Atlassian is the major project tracking software using by all software companies.
We must  know, what is this software and what is the main purpose of this in real time world. Actually a normal software developer can develop code using MyEclipse or NetBeans IDEs. Then he can commits the code using SVN or CVS. Once he committs the code each file can get a version number in repository.If you want to check which line of code we modified or added or removed we don't know.again we should compare from history. But in Atlassin fisheye we can find all the changes you committed and which line deleted and which line committed, we can find easily with colors. Atlassian reduces developer efforts and reduces time all the things automated by atlassian once the code committed to repository.

Actually this software contains several products with in this to tack the issues and maintenance the software in the normal software companies.

Addition or Sum of 2x2 matrix using Arrays in java

>> Sunday, May 5, 2013

We know that arrays are different types, as usual one dimensional array, two dimensional array, three and multi (mxn) dimensional arrays.
In two dimensional arrays we need 2x2 array.

A 2x2 matrix is a rectangular often square array of numbers having 2 columns and 2 rows, or expressions which can be evaluated to numbers. The dimensions m x n refer to the number of rows (m) and columns (n) respectively.

We can declare the one dimensional array as:
int[] myArray = {0,1,2,3};
and two dimensional array looks like this:
 int[][] myArray = { {0,1,2,3}, {3,2,1,0}, {3,5,6,1}, {3,8,3,4} };

Nataraz sir moving from Sathya Techologies to Durga Soft

>> Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Great Nataraz sir trained more than 10,000 students in Java technologies in 9 years  from Sathya Technologies, now he decided to stop his valuable services from Sathya Technologies.

He made a contract with Durga Software Solutions to train IT Professionals from May 1st week 2013. The current batches which are running those will be completed by April month. Other wise the administration will decide what to take further steps.

All are thankful to Sathya Technologies , by providing such a good classes and good environment to run the classes and you made many professionals in java with Nataraz Sir.

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