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1.1. MVC - Architecture - 1

>> Wednesday, October 19, 2011

 Web Application Devolopment Models.

Model - 1 Architecture :

Model 1 architecture based web application development is outdated approach of developing web applications. Now a days most of the companies are using MVC architecture to develop the web application. It has become industries defector standard to develop the web applications.

Model 1 architecture based web application multiple web resources will be there but all these web resources will be developed either by using Servlet technology or by using JSP technology.

  • The logic that receives data, input values from request gives by a browser is called request data gathering logic. That logic verifies format of the HTML form data is called form validation logic like checking these values are having only visits on this required fields are typed or not .....

  • The main logic of the application which process the request and generates the result is called Business Logic.
  • The logic that is developed to interact with persistence stores software(database soft wares) and to manipulated table data is called Persistence Logic.

    EX :  JDBC code.
    • The Logic that formats results generated by business logic and sends formatted result as response to browser is called Presentation Logic.
    • The Logic that is developed for web application to remember data of a client across the multiple requests is called Session Management Logic.

      EX : Cookies, HTTP Session, URL rewriting and e.t.c...
      • The additional services that are configured as the applications to enhance the functionalities of application is called Middle ware Service.

        EX : Security middle ware Service,Transaction middle ware Service, JDBC Connection pooling service and e.t.c..

        • The project that is developed by using outdated technologies or by using old Version of the existing technologies is called Legacy project.

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