Spring AOP and MVC notes(material) by Mr.SomaSekhar Reddy sir from NareshiTechnologies, Ameerpeta, Hyderabad.AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming) and MVC(Model View Controller) are come on top of the Spring Core module. Mr.Sekhar sir has explained all the topics in AOP including with annotations and diagrams.Also he has given in detail notes on MVC and XML. Go through the other modules Spring ORM notes and IOC and DAO notes by Sekhar sir.These will give you more knowledge on Spring framework.
The topics covered under AOP module:.
AOP Introduction
AOP Terminology
Example program using AOP
Creating advises in Spring
Example programs on Before Advice,After Advice,Around Advice and Throws Advice
PontCut in AOP
Scehma-based AOP Support
Annotation based AOP
About Transaction
Transaction Management without Spring
Programmatic Transaction Management - Transaction Manager
Schema based Transaction Management
Annotation based Transaction Management
Spring MVC
The topics covered under AOP module:.
- Aspects
- JointPoint
- PointCut
- Advice
- Target
- Weaving
- Proxy
- Weaver
- StaticMethodMatcher point cut
- DynamicMethodMatcher point cut
Spring MVC
- about MVC and enterprise application
- Enterprise Application developing with Servlet Technology
- Enterprise application developing with jsp,Servlet technologies
- Model 2 or MVC II
- MVC 2 Architecture
- Advantages of MVC
- Drawbacks or disadvantages of MVC
- Advantages of Spring MVC Framework
- Differences between Struts and Spring
- Spring MVC Architecture
- Spring MVC Workflow
- Dispatcher Servlet and Controller
- Model and View
- Spring MVC with Annotations
- Handler MappingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping
- ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping
- SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
- Spring MVC Handler Interceptors
- Configuring Exceptions in web.xml
- Exception Handling in Spring configuration
- InternalResourceViewResolver
- XML ViewResolver
- ResourceBundleViewResolver
- Bean Name View Resolver
- Configure multiple view resolvers priority in Spring MVC
- AbstractPDFView
- AbstractExcelView
- Tiles