The important methods to synchronize the List, Set and Map as
synchronizedList(List<T> list) synchronizedSet(Set<T> s) synchronizedMap(Map<K,V> m)
A simple program to sort an ArrayList
package blog.javabynataraj; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class SortArraList { public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> mylist = new ArrayList<String>(); mylist.add("Murali"); mylist.add("Shakir"); mylist.add("Aravind"); mylist.add("Jayaprakash"); mylist.add("Vivek"); mylist.add("Sivaraj"); System.out.println("***Before sorting the arrylist***"); //iterate the list using for-each loop for(String names: mylist){ System.out.println(names); } //Sort the ArrayList using sort() from Collections class Collections.sort(mylist); System.out.println("***After sorting the arraylist***"); //iterate the list using for-each loop for(String names: mylist){ System.out.println(names); } } }Here we are using Collections.sort(mylist) method to sort our list. Here the list is iterating using for-each loop. By this we can get the elements one by one in a new line instead to displaying as an ArrayList. To display entire arraylist just we can use
System.out.println(mylist);it will displays the entire arrylist elements as
[Murali, Shakir, Aravind, Jayaprakash, Vivek, Sivaraj]Collections class having a method to reverse the list is
Collections.sort(mylist); Collections.reverse(mylist); System.out.println(mylist);The Output wil be:
[Vivek, Sivaraj, Shakir, Murali, Jayaprakash, Aravind]if you want to iterate the arraylist without using Iterator loop you can as below given
Iterator<string> it = mylist.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; }
for this iteration the elements will be displayed in console as:
Murali Shakir Aravind Jayaprakash Vivek Sivaraj